Sunday 15 January 2012

Video Sunday - In Soviet Russia, Drowning Escape You

Uploaded: 8/1/12
Running Time: 2:36
Views When Posted: 245,491

For a long time, it looks like this Kirovec K-701 isn't going to avoid its watery grave in the middle of what can only be described as A River. The huge Russian tractor-truck, which weighs 12.4 tonnes and only has 300 horsepower (but probably a huge torque figure) to help it, finally makes it out and into relatively dry land. With the air intake and exhaust staying relatively out of the water's way, chances are it continued working perfectly after taking an unwanted dip. What's surprising about this video is actually the amount of truck that resurfaces...

Enjoy a simple truck with an apparently simple-minded driver escaping using the Jeremy Clarkson Method, i.e. POWERRRRRRRR!!


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