Monday 2 January 2012

Video Monday - Es war ein Rendezvous

Uploaded: 10/7/10
Running Time: 5:12
Views When Posted: 18,122

A belated Happy New Year! My first post of 2012 is a video that would be awesome in any year. There will be more to come, mostly rants (and maybe a review of my new phone). Bah humbug.

I haven't got much to say about this one, as it's pretty straightforward. Someone has decided to live all our dreams and take a BMW M3 CSL (E46) up a mountain pass on a quiet day, choosing Nufenen Pass in Switzerland. Turn your speakers up, because this is a good one for your ears (you can thank the 360PS 3.2-litre straight-six for that, which the poster says still has the standard exhaust attached). Unfortunately for the driver, he gets held up by a bloated French hatchback near the end, a feeling that's all too real to me. Not that I have an M3 CSL, or you would've read about it a good 50 times by now...


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