Thursday, 23 May 2013

Nissan Has Genuinely Launched A GT-R Gentleman Edition

You read that correctly, sir/madam...It was announced last week that France, which is where the French live, will be receiving the Nissan GT-R Gentleman Edition. Well, not everybody in France. That would be obscenely expensive. In fact, only ten people will be able to buy one, although which ten people they didn't say. They did say that it will cost whichever French gentlemen it may be the princely sum of €97,900 (approximately £83,500). That is...

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

My First Ever Video Game Is 15 Years Old

A classic scene for many '90s kids: a purple Nissan Skyline GT-R (R33) blasting down Trial Mountain.The year is 1998. Over the summer, we visit an aunt's house, and one of my cousins is playing a demo for a new racing game on something I didn't have called a PlayStation. In it, he's driving a yellow Subaru Impreza WRX on a night-time street circuit. He lets me have a few goes, and being six I wasn't very good at it, but it didn't matter. I needed...