Saturday 13 August 2011

Welcome Back To Small Blog V8

OK, I've now had my unannounced summer break. SBV8 will now be open for business as usual!

It has been 6 months since I started this blog, and I'm happy to see the viewing statistics climb each month (even if most of it appears to be Google image search results for the Red Bull X1), and this right here is my 50th published post, and I have decided to move things on a bit.

There will be a bit more content in the coming weeks, with a racing game review, new posts featuring spy photos of upcoming cars, and a very special something else very soon! I will also try to get back into the habit of doing a regular feature, even if it's not one of the original ones, such as a weekly news round-up or something. I have piloted a few changes to the F1 articles (including having a big track map at the top so you can see what corners I'm referencing and naming paragraphs so you can skip to the bit you missed if you don't want to read it all) which I have decided to keep, and if I find a way to have a Wikipedia-style Contents bar at the top, I will try to implement it. Of course, the other way to look at the issue of long articles is for me to just write less, and this is something I will also endeavour to do, but I don't want to miss anything out that might be important to someone, so that's a balance I must strike. Maybe a brief summary in bullet points at the top or something.

Anyway, I notice that I have a triplet of followers now as well, so if you have any suggestions for improvements, I'm happy to read them. You don't have to be a follower to have suggestions, so any lurkers out there are welcome to have their say as well.


I shall try to uphold my promises this time.


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