Saturday, 30 April 2011

Picture Exclusive Man - Closure!

Yesterday I found a man who was previously titled "Picture Exclusive Man" while playing Gran Turismo 5. I asked around the internet and this morning I've had a reply from someone on who has told me who it is. The idea of it being Ayrton Senna's ghost proves to be just as far-fetched as it sounds.It's Japanese racing driver and creator of Spoon Sports, Tatsuru Ichshima!Here he is in GT5 as a Premium render. Just kidding.Ichishima-san's...

Friday, 29 April 2011

A Mystery of Gran Turismo 5 - Who Is Picture Exclusive Man?

WHO IS THIS MAN?On Gran Turismo 5, I recently spent Cr.5,260,000 on a 1991 Mazda 787B racing car, and decided to take a few pictures of it in a Japanese setting (called "Kyoto - Gion"). The man here is leaning against a bridge looking at the small river below, occasionally looking towards you so you can take his photograph. I've noticed him before, but not really paid any attention to him, but this time I decided to take his picture. As it turns...

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Porsche 997 Goes Out With A 4000cc Bang

2011 Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0 (997.5)What you see here is not a squashed VW Beetle with a wing on the back. What you see here is the 21st and final version of what many consider the best generation of Porsche 911 ever: Type 997.The 997 generation of 911 (they call it 911 to continue the name - it's not directly related to the 1964 original, just spiritually) has been around now since 2005, starting with the basic, rear-wheel-drive Carrera 3.6 and Carrera...

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Happy Chocolate Eating Day!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. College work appeared just when I thought it was over...Lindor is officially the best-tasting chocolate...... In The World.Christians might call this day "Easter", Pagans might have called it "Ostara" before the Christians nicked it, the Internet uses this weekend to post either rabbit-based soft porn or a captioned picture joking about Jesus taking 3 days to respawn, but it actually serves a wider purpose that...

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Formula 1 - Chinese Grand Prix 2011

SPOILER WARNING: There are two spoilers in this picture: one at the front and one at the rear of the carNormally the new circuits make for boring racing, because while the design may look good on Hermann Tilke's drawing board, they usually aren't that great for overtaking. This year however, the Chinese GP was so good it was practically a cheap knock-off of a more expensive European Grand Prix. There was so much action the TV directors...

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Supercar/Muscle Tuesday - Ford GT

To make up for a lack of Supercar Saturday and Muscle Car Monday, here's a car that covers both.Now, a lot of car names are words meant to evoke some kind of feeling or mindset, or aid a car's image, like "Charger" or "Mustang", but when the name is just a combination of letters and numbers, it is comparatively cold and only has meaning to the anoraks who have decoded it. Sometimes though, particular combinations do have meaning, they do evoke thoughts...